Healing Heart

He makes you want to run away, to give up everything else, to just be. The two of y’all, you think that that’s all you need. He’s your best friend, the one that knows you in and out. I mean, isn’t this the perfect fairy tale ending? It does make sense, you’ve let on more … More Healing Heart

Little Things.

The fraction of time we get to spend for the time we stay apart, yet, these sacrifices are worth it. The more we talked when we were apart, the more I learnt about what made you, well, you. That innocent smile hides the ‘no fucks given’ side of you, how you deal with embarrassment by … More Little Things.


As we walk down the cold, snow-laden streets of Philly, as it’s so fondly known, we ponder upon how time is always limited. Every encounter seems like a daydream, a mere moment. Hand in hand, we conquer every city we take, and conquer each other’s hearts just a little bit more. But we never stay … More Philadelphia.

Wrong Love.

I hope you find love, So beautifully shatteredThat it wakes up in you The desire to fix the broken. And, while trying to fix it, You realize that those are not The pieces of the love you found, But the ones you’ve lost, While giving away your heart; To the wrong love.